• 大小: 187KB
    文件类型: .rar
    金币: 2
    下载: 1 次
    发布日期: 2021-05-23
  • 语言: C#
  • 标签: WinIO  VB6  C#  DumpPort  WinIo64  


本资源包括: 1. 最新版的WinIO(v3.0). WinIo32.dll, WinIo32.sys, WinIO64.dll, WinIO64.sys. 2. DumpPort.exe和DumpPhys.exe实例. 3. C#调用源码. 4. VB6调用源码. 5. Help文件,所有函数讲解. 此版支持64位系统, 但不再支持Win9x. 关于WinIO v3.0: The WinIo library allows 32-bit and 64-bit Windows applications to directly access I/O ports and physical memory. Version 3.0 offers the following features: Supports 32-bit and 64-bit platforms (Itanium excluded). WinIo can now be used by multiple applications concurrently. New C# samples. Bug fixes in this version: Fixed a bug that prevented accessing physical memory above 2GB. Fixed a bug that led to the WinIo driver getting uninstalled when calling ShutdownWinIo if the driver was set to load during boot with InstallWinIoDriver. Note: Support for Windows 9x/ME has been removed. If you need to support these operating systems, please use WinIo v2.



// ---------------------------------------------------- //
//                      WinIo v3.0                      //
//          Direct Hardware Access Under Windows        //
//           Copyright 1998-2010 Yariv Kaplan           //
//               http://www.internals.com               //
// ---------------------------------------------------- //

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace DumpPhys
    public unsafe partial class Form1 : Form
        private extern static IntPtr LoadLibrary(String DllName);

        private extern static IntPtr GetProcAddress(IntPtr hModule String ProcName);

        private extern static bool FreeLibrary(IntPtr hModule);

        private delegate bool InitializeWinIoType();

        private delegate bool GetPhysLongType(IntPtr PhysAddr UInt32 *pPhysVal);

        private delegate bool SetPhysLongType(IntPtr PhysAddr UInt32 PhysVal);

        private delegate bool ShutdownWinIoType();

        IntPtr hMod;

        public Form1()

        private void Form1_Load(object sender EventArgs e)
            // Check if this is a 32 bit or 64 bit system
            if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
                hMod = LoadLibrary(“WinIo32.dll“);
                txtPhysAddr.MaxLength = 8;
                txtPhysAddr.Text = “00000000“;
            else if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
                hMod = LoadLibrary(“WinIo64.dll“);
                txtPhysAddr.MaxLength = 16;
                txtPhysAddr.Text = “0000000000000000“;

            if (hMod == IntPtr.Zero)
                MessageBox.Show(“Can‘t find WinIo dll.\nMake sure the WinIo library files are located in the same directory as your executable file.“ “DumpPhys“ MessageBoxButtons.OK MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            IntPtr pFunc = GetProcAddress(hMod “InitializeWinIo“);

            if (pFunc != IntPtr.Zero)
                InitializeWinIoType InitializeWinIo = (InitializeWinIoType)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pFunc typeof(InitializeWinIoType));
                bool Result = InitializeWinIo();

                if (!Result)
                    MessageBox.Show(“Error returned from InitializeWinIo.\nMake su

 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----

     文件      13312  2010-05-15 22:54  WinIo\Binaries\DumpPhys.exe

     文件      13312  2010-05-15 23:34  WinIo\Binaries\DumpPort.exe

     文件      45568  2010-05-15 23:56  WinIo\Binaries\WinIo32.dll

     文件       6656  2010-05-08 23:16  WinIo\Binaries\WinIo32.sys

     文件      44544  2010-05-15 23:56  WinIo\Binaries\WinIo64.dll

     文件      10920  2010-05-08 23:46  WinIo\Binaries\WinIo64.sys

     文件      60620  2010-01-19 02:40  WinIo\Help\WinIo.chm

     文件       5879  2010-05-16 00:08  WinIo\Samples\DumpPhys\DumpPhys\DumpPhys.csproj

     文件        389  2009-07-23 02:24  WinIo\Samples\DumpPhys\DumpPhys\DumpPhys.manifest

     文件       5801  2010-01-04 00:38  WinIo\Samples\DumpPhys\DumpPhys\Form1.cs

     文件       7705  2010-01-03 22:51  WinIo\Samples\DumpPhys\DumpPhys\Form1.Designer.cs

     文件       5814  2010-01-03 22:51  WinIo\Samples\DumpPhys\DumpPhys\Form1.resx

     文件        475  2010-01-03 01:53  WinIo\Samples\DumpPhys\DumpPhys\Program.cs

     文件       1293  2010-01-15 02:10  WinIo\Samples\DumpPhys\DumpPhys\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs

     文件       2843  2010-05-15 22:52  WinIo\Samples\DumpPhys\DumpPhys\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs

     文件       5612  2010-01-02 23:16  WinIo\Samples\DumpPhys\DumpPhys\Properties\Resources.resx

     文件       1089  2010-05-15 22:52  WinIo\Samples\DumpPhys\DumpPhys\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs

     文件        249  2010-01-02 23:16  WinIo\Samples\DumpPhys\DumpPhys\Properties\Settings.settings

     文件       1268  2010-05-16 00:08  WinIo\Samples\DumpPhys\DumpPhys.sln

    ..A..H.     24576  2010-05-16 00:09  WinIo\Samples\DumpPhys\DumpPhys.suo

     文件       5879  2010-05-16 00:09  WinIo\Samples\DumpPort\DumpPort\DumpPort.csproj

     文件        389  2009-07-23 02:24  WinIo\Samples\DumpPort\DumpPort\DumpPort.manifest

     文件       5581  2010-01-04 00:38  WinIo\Samples\DumpPort\DumpPort\Form1.cs

     文件       7787  2010-01-04 00:33  WinIo\Samples\DumpPort\DumpPort\Form1.Designer.cs

     文件       5814  2010-01-04 00:33  WinIo\Samples\DumpPort\DumpPort\Form1.resx

     文件        475  2010-01-03 23:02  WinIo\Samples\DumpPort\DumpPort\Program.cs

     文件       1293  2010-01-15 01:30  WinIo\Samples\DumpPort\DumpPort\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs

     文件       2843  2010-05-15 22:54  WinIo\Samples\DumpPort\DumpPort\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs

     文件       5612  2010-01-03 23:02  WinIo\Samples\DumpPort\DumpPort\Properties\Resources.resx

     文件       1089  2010-05-15 22:54  WinIo\Samples\DumpPort\DumpPort\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs



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