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含有 NoiseX-92噪声库-完整版(wav格式): https://download.csdn.net/download/u012933021/10836240 以及(mat格式): http://spib.linse.ufsc.br/noise.html 100种环境噪声库: http://www.pudn.com/Download/item/id/3457634.html These nonspeech, environmental sounds can be used as nonspeech noises for evaluating speech segregation systems, among others. They are available in waveform, and can be downloaded in one ZIP file. The contents are: N1-N17: Crowd noise N18-N29: Machine noise N30-N43: Alarm and siren N44-N46: Traffic and car noise N47-N55: Animal sound N56-N69: Water sound N70-N78: Wind N79-N82: Bell N83-N85: Cough N86: Clap N87: Snore N88: Click N88-N90: Laugh N91-N92: Yawn N93: Cry N94: Shower N95: Tooth brushing N96-N97: Footsteps N98: Door moving N99-N100: Phone dialing




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