• 大小: 0.01M
    文件类型: .zip
    金币: 1
    下载: 0 次
    发布日期: 2020-12-23
  • 语言: Java
  • 标签: VPN  






package vpn;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Random;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;

public class MutualAuthentication {
	//Based on Stamp Textbook, pg 323 Figure 9.12

	public static BigInteger getNonce(String OddEven){
		BigInteger bi;
		BigInteger moduloResult = (OddEven.toLowerCase().equals("odd")) ? BigInteger.ONE : BigInteger.ZERO;
		//System.out.println("moduloResult: "   moduloResult); //testing
		Boolean isCorrectNonce = false;
		int bitLength = 64; //based on http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/1952/how-long-should-a-random-nonce-be
		Random random = new Random();
		bi = BigInteger.probablePrime(bitLength, random);
		isCorrectNonce = bi.mod(new BigInteger("2")).equals(moduloResult);
		if(moduloResult.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && (isCorrectNonce == false)){
			bi = bi.add(new BigInteger("1"));
		//System.out.println("bi: "   bi); //testing
		return bi;
	public static BigInteger IncrementNonce(BigInteger nonce) {
		return nonce.add(new BigInteger("2")); //ensure nonce remains odd or even
	public static String GetEncryptedMessage(String userIdentity, BigInteger nonce, coordinates computedG, String sharedKey){
		aes AES = new aes(sharedKey);
		return AES.encrypt(userIdentity   computedG.toString()   nonce.toString());
	public static String DecryptChallenge(String challenge, String sharedKey){
		aes AES = new aes(sharedKey);
		String message = AES.decrypt(challenge);
		return message;
	public static String GetChallenge(BigInteger nonce, String message){
		return (message);
	public static boolean muAuth(int type, ObjectOutputStream out, ObjectInputStream in, aes AES) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException{
		if (type == TwoWayVPN.SERVER){
			String clientSentence;
			boolean auth = false;

			System.out.println("Start Mutual Authentication.");
	        //1) get I'm Alice from Client
	        clientSentence = (String) in.readObject();
	        System.out.println("From Client> "   clientSentence);
	        //2) Send Challenge to Client: Encrypt Rb
	  		BigInteger nonce_B = getNonce("Even");
//	  		System.out.println("Nonce_B: "   nonce_B); //testing
	  		//3) Receive encrypted Rb and verify 
	  		String encryptedNonce_B = (String) in.readObject();
//	  		System.out.println("From Client> EncryptedNonce_B: "   encryptedNonce_B);
	  		String answer = AES.decrypt(encryptedNonce_B);

	  		if (!answer.equals(nonce_B.toString())) {
	  			System.out.println("Client failed authentication");
	  			return auth;
	  		//4) Get Ra from Client, Return Encrypt Ra
	        String nonce_A = in.readObject().toString();
//	        System.out.println("From Client> Nonce_A: "   nonce_A);
	        String encryptedNonce_A = AES.encrypt(nonce_A);
//	        System.out.println("To Client> EncryptedNonce_A: "   encryptedNonce_A);
	        auth = true;
	        System.out.println("Authentication Success");
	        return auth;
		else {

			boolean auth = false;
			System.out.println("Start Mutual Authentication.");
	        // 1) I'm Alice
	        out.writeObject("I'm Alice");
	        // 2) Get Rb from Server, Return Encrypt Rb
	        String nonce_B = in.readObject().toString();
	        //System.out.println("From Server> Nonce_B: "   nonce_B);
	        String encryptedNounce_B = AES.encrypt(nonce_B);
	        //System.out.println("To Server> EncryptedNounce_B: "   encryptedNounce_B);
	        // 3) Send Challenge to Server: Encrypt Ra
	        BigInteger nonce_A = getNonce("Odd");
			//System.out.println("Nonce_A: "   nonce_A);
	        //4) Receive encrypted Ra and verify 
	  		String encryptedNounce_A = (String) in.readObject();
	  		//System.out.println("From Server> EncryptedNounce_A: "   encryptedNounce_A);
	  		String answer = AES.decrypt(encryptedNounce_A);

	  		if (!answer.equals(nonce_A.toString())) {
	  			System.out.println("Server failed authentication");
	  			return auth;
	        auth = true;
	        System.out.println("Authentication Success");
	        return auth;




package vpn;

import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
import java.security.Key;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;

import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.base64;

public class aes {

private static String encryptKey;
/*public static void main(String args[]) {
    aes t = new aes(“password92343456“);
    String encrypt = t.encrypt(“mypasswor42342dftgyhu“);
    System.out.println(“decrypted value:“ + t.decrypt(encrypt));
public aes(String key){
this.encryptKey = key;

public String computemac

 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----
     目录           0  2015-11-07 18:32  VPN-master\
     文件         797  2015-10-22 13:33  VPN-master\.classpath
     文件         467  2015-10-22 13:33  VPN-master\.gitignore
     文件         555  2015-10-22 13:33  VPN-master\.project
     目录           0  2015-11-07 18:32  VPN-master\.settings\
     文件         736  2015-10-22 13:33  VPN-master\.settings\org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
     文件          12  2015-10-22 13:33  VPN-master\README.md
     目录           0  2015-11-07 18:32  VPN-master\bin\
     目录           0  2015-11-07 18:32  VPN-master\bin\vpn\
     文件        1423  2015-10-22 13:33  VPN-master\bin\vpn\Client.class
     文件        1128  2015-10-22 13:33  VPN-master\bin\vpn\Server.class
     文件        3052  2015-10-22 13:33  VPN-master\bin\vpn\VPN.class
     文件         832  2015-10-22 13:33  VPN-master\pom.xml
     目录           0  2015-11-07 18:32  VPN-master\src\
     目录           0  2015-11-07 18:32  VPN-master\src\vpn\
     文件        2256  2015-10-22 13:33  VPN-master\src\vpn\MessageAuthentication.java
     文件        4446  2015-10-22 13:33  VPN-master\src\vpn\MutualAuthentication.java
     文件        1070  2015-10-22 13:33  VPN-master\src\vpn\TwoWayVPN.java
     文件        3601  2015-10-22 13:33  VPN-master\src\vpn\aes.java
     文件        1390  2015-10-22 13:33  VPN-master\src\vpn\client.java
     文件         268  2015-10-22 13:33  VPN-master\src\vpn\coordinates.java
     文件        5113  2015-10-22 13:33  VPN-master\src\vpn\ecdh.java
     文件        1263  2015-10-22 13:33  VPN-master\src\vpn\server.java


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