
这是卡内基梅隆大学的公开人脸测试集。测试集共分四个文件夹,分别为测试集A、B、C和旋转测试集。由于大小限制,因此将四个文件夹分开上传 The image dataset is used by the CMU Face Detection Project and is provided for evaluating algorithms for detecting frontal views of human faces. This particular test set was originally assembled as part of work in Neural Network Based Face Detection. It combines images collected at CMU and MIT. Please give appropriate acknowledgements when you use these test sets. In the lists of files below, you will find references to Test Sets A, B, C and the Rotated Test Set. Test Set B was provided by Kah-Kay Sung and Tomaso Poggio at the AI/CBCL Lab at MIT, and Test Sets A,C and the rotatated test set were collected here at CMU (by Henry A. Rowley, Shumeet Baluja, and Takeo Kanade). In [Schneiderman and Kanade, 2000] and [Schneiderman and Kanade, 1998] we refer to the combination of test sets A, B, and C as the "combined test sets of Sung and Poggio and Rowley, Baluja, and Kanade." In [Rowley, Baluja, and Kanade, 1998] we refer to the combination of sets A, B, C as "test set one" and in [Rowley, Baluja, and Kanade, 1997] we refer to it as the "upright set" as distinguished from the "rotated set."



 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----

     文件      53564  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\217.gif

     文件     110888  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\221.gif

     文件     111600  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\3.gif

     文件      76812  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\af2206b.gif

     文件      92570  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\af5302a.gif

     文件      70612  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\am4945a.gif

     文件      73096  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\am5020a.gif

     文件      82574  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\am5399c.gif

     文件      89852  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\am5438a.gif

     文件      72252  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\am5438b.gif

     文件      71070  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\am5528a.gif

     文件      50304  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\am6227a.gif

     文件      88085  1997-11-17 07:55  rotated\ashley1.gif

     文件      49706  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\bf5275a.gif

     文件      40175  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\bm5205a.gif

     文件      42785  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\bm6290a.gif

     文件     106065  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\boerli01.gif

     文件     143097  1997-11-18 08:20  rotated\cast1.gif

     文件      36912  1997-11-17 07:55  rotated\cyndi4.gif

     文件      30604  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\dole2.gif

     文件      46153  1997-11-17 07:55  rotated\eliz2.gif

     文件      71327  1997-11-17 07:17  rotated\har-bwolen-hcwong-image7.gif

     文件     498186  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\har-wet.gif

     文件     198665  1997-11-19 07:16  rotated\jprc.gif

     文件     224734  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\kaari.rot.gif

     文件      47184  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\mapakent.gif

     文件      22286  1997-11-18 08:20  rotated\married2.gif

     文件     183321  1997-11-17 07:17  rotated\mir.gif

     文件     191240  1997-11-17 07:17  rotated\mir2.gif

     文件      72136  1997-11-17 07:59  rotated\pict_28.gif



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