• 大小: 9.61MB
    文件类型: .zip
    金币: 2
    下载: 1 次
    发布日期: 2023-11-16
  • 语言: Python
  • 标签: unlocker208  VMware  


unlocker208 是使用 VMware 安装 MacOS的必备补丁,亲测可用,详情参阅压缩包内有readme。 VMware 安装 MacOS的流程: =============================================== 1. 安装VMware Station Pro 12.0 2. 将Unlocker解压,右击win-install.cmd,选择“以管理员身份运行” 3. 为MacOS新建虚拟机,注意一定要下载懒人版安装包,格式为ISO或CDR 4. 新建完虚拟机之后,“开启此虚拟机”,VMWare会报错。这是因为虚拟机的隐藏参数设置错误,你要手动修改: 打开虚拟机所在文件夹,找到.vmx文件,右键使用其他程序打开,并选择记事本,在文件最后添加: smc.version = "0" 并保存。 ================================================= Mac OS X Unlocker for VMware V2.0 ================================= 1. Introduction --------------- Unlocker 2 is designed for Workstation 11, Player 7, ESXi 6 and Fusion 7. If you are using an earlier product please continue using Unlocker 1 Version 2 has been tested against: * Workstation 11/12 on Windows and Linux * Player 7 & Workstation Player 12 on Windows and Linux * Fusion 7/8 on Mavericks and Yosemite * ESXi 6.0 The patch code carries out the following modifications dependent on the product being patched: * Fix vmware-vmx and derivatives to allow Mac OS X to boot * Fix vmwarebase .dll or .so to allow Apple to be selected during VM creation * Fix libvmkctl.so on ESXi 6 to allow use with vCenter * Download a copy of the latest VMware Tools for OS X Note that not all products recognise the darwin.iso via install tools menu item. You will have to manually mount the darwin.iso for example on Workstation 11 and Player 7. The vmwarebase code does not need to be patched on OS X or ESXi so you will see a message on those systems telling you that it will not be patched. In all cases make sure VMware is not running, and any background guests have been shutdown. The code is now Python as it makes the Unlocker easier to run and maintain on ESXi. There are some challenges to write the code as ESXi has a subset of Python 2.7 which constrains some modules that can be used. 2. Prerequisites ---------------- The code requires Python 2.7 to work. Most Linux distros, ESXi and OS X ship with a compatible Python interpreter and should work with



The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Dave Parsons

Permission is hereby granted free of charge to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the ‘Software‘) to deal
in the Software without restriction including without limitation the rights
to use copy modify merge publish distribute sublicense and/or sell
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The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


vSMC Header Structure
Offset  Length  struct Type Description
0x00/00 0x08/08 Q      ptr  Offset to key table
0x08/08 0x04/4  I      int  Number of private keys
0x0C/12 0x04/4  I      int  Number of public keys

vSMC Key Data Structure
Offset  Length  struct Type Description
0x00/00 0x04/04 4s     int  Key name (byte reversed e.g. #KEY is YEK#)
0x04/04 0x01/01 B      byte Length of returned data
0x05/05 0x04/04 4s     int  Data type (byte reversed e.g. ui32 is 23iu)
0x09/09 0x01/01 B      byte Flag R/W
0x0A/10 0x06/06 6x     byte Padding
0x10/16 0x08/08 Q      ptr  Internal VMware routine
0x18/24 0x30/48 48B    byte Data

import struct
import sys

if sys.version_info < (2 7):
    sys.stderr.write(‘You need Python 2.7 or later\n‘)

def bytetohex(bytestr):
    return ‘‘.join([‘%02X ‘ % ord(x) for x in bytestr]).strip()

def printkey(i smc_key smc_data):
    print str(i+1).zfill(3) \
        + ‘ ‘ + smc_key[0][::-1] \
        + ‘ ‘ + str(smc_key[1]).zfill(2) \
        + ‘ ‘ + smc_key[2][::-1].replace(‘\x00‘ ‘ ‘) \
        + ‘ ‘ + ‘{0:#0{1}x}‘.format(smc_key[3] 4) \
        + ‘ ‘ + hex(smc_key[4]) \
        + ‘ ‘ + bytetohex(smc_data)

def dumpkeys(f key):
    # Setup struct pack string
    key_pack = ‘=4sB4sB6xQ‘

    # Do Until OSK1 read
    i = 0
    while True:

        # Read key into struct str and data byte str
        offset = key + (i * 72)
        smc_key = struct.unpack(key_pack f.read(24))
        smc_data = f.read(smc_key[1])

        # Dump entry
        printkey(i smc_key smc_data)

        # Exit when OSK1 has been read
        if smc_key[0] == ‘1KSO‘:
            i += 1

def dumpsmc(name):

    with open(name 

 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----
     目录           0  2015-11-23 11:09  unlocker208\
     文件     3139369  2015-11-22 15:55  unlocker208\dumpsmc.exe
     文件        5434  2015-10-13 20:23  unlocker208\dumpsmc.py
     文件         478  2015-10-13 20:23  unlocker208\esxi-install.sh
     文件         333  2015-10-13 20:23  unlocker208\esxi-uninstall.sh
     文件     3987679  2015-11-22 15:55  unlocker208\gettools.exe
     文件        4094  2015-10-14 19:20  unlocker208\gettools.py
     文件         976  2015-10-16 12:40  unlocker208\lnx-install.sh
     文件         899  2015-10-16 12:40  unlocker208\lnx-uninstall.sh
     文件         454  2015-11-22 19:45  unlocker208\lnx-update-tools.sh
     文件        1111  2015-10-13 20:23  unlocker208\local-template.sh
     文件         789  2015-10-13 20:23  unlocker208\osx-install.sh
     文件         751  2015-10-13 20:23  unlocker208\osx-uninstall.sh
     文件        6212  2017-10-23 16:37  unlocker208\readme.txt
     文件     3141521  2015-11-22 15:56  unlocker208\unlocker.exe
     文件       13995  2015-10-14 19:08  unlocker208\unlocker.py
     文件        1409  2015-10-16 12:40  unlocker208\win-install.cmd
     文件        1309  2015-10-16 12:40  unlocker208\win-uninstall.cmd
     文件         637  2015-11-22 19:45  unlocker208\win-update-tools.cmd


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