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BIOINFORMATICS ALGORITHMS,VOL.I By 作者: Phillip Compeau – Pavel Pevzner ISBN-10 书号: 0990374610 ISBN-13 书号: 9780990374619 Edition 版本: 2nd 出版日期: 2015 pages 页数: 384 Overview Contents List of Code Challenges About the Textbook Chapter 1:Where in the Genome Does DNA Replication Begin? Chapter 2:Which DNA Patterns Play the Role of Molecular Clocks? Chapter 3:How Do We Assemble Genomes? Chapter 4:How Do We Sequence Antibiotics? Chapter 5:How Do We Compare DNA Sequences? Chapter 6:Are There Fragile Regions in the Human Genome? Bibliography mage Courtesies This is Vol. 1 of Bioinformatics Algorithms: an Active Learning Approach, one of the first textbooks to emerge from the recent Massive Open Online Course MOOC revolution. A light hearted and analogy filled companion to the author’s acclaimed Bioinformatics Specialization on Coursera, this book presents students with a dynamic approach to learning bioinformatics. It strikes a unique balance between practical challenges in modern biology and fundamental algorithmic ideas, thus capturing the interest of students of both biology and computer science. Each chapter begins with a biological question, such as Are There Fragile Regions in the Human Genome or Which DNA Patterns Play the Role of Molecular Clocks and then steadily develops the algorithmic sophistication required to answer this question. Hundreds of exercises are incorporated directly into the text as soon as they are needed; readers can test their knowledge through automated coding challenges on the Rosalind Bioinformatics Textbook Track.



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     文件    12116755  2002-01-27 06:26  Bioinformatics Algorithms an Active Learning Approach Vol. 1 (2nd edition).pdf


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